Sunday, October 23, 2005
The OFFICIAL guide on cracking the KBC
Before getting a call from KBC.
1) If you don’t have a landline telephone number, you should probably start thinking of robbing a bank...
2) You should have a valid e-mail address.
3) Why did I even write the second point!!
4) You are never going to get through KBC by sending sms. There is only one hot
seat for the mobile user. So if you work out the arithmetic, the chances of
getting through to KBC by the landline number are greater than chances of
getting through a sms.
5) Religiously devote a minimum of one hour in pressing the ‘Redial’ button on
your telephone keypad.
6) Even then if the call doesn’t mature. Feel free to curse the KBC people.
After getting a call from KBC
1) Don’t waste your time in updating your G.K, spend time exercising your fingers and maybe look up in the internet on the dynamics of the human hand. Try to maximize your chances by speeding up the activity of your lazy fingers.
2) This should help provided you know the answer to the fastest finger first question.
3) Remember, even a dumb ass like you can win 2 crore. This optimism is all that you have left to work with.
4) Continuing with the third point. Brilliant people like you should opt for mastermind India. Give the general public a chance.
5) Read up a book on body language. Try to take the small hints which Amitabh Bachhan tries to give you when you are wrong.
6) Usually he will ask you twice or thrice if you are on the wrong track. If you
are right then you don’t have to tell him to lock the answer. He will lock it himself.
While in the hot seat
1) If you have a strategy then it would be wise to throw it out of the window
2) Don’t think twice before using a lifeline. They wouldn’t think twice before
kicking you out of the hot seat.
3) Having said that, don’t use the lifelines like a dumb ass.
4) Remember, if the question is too technical or too specialized then NEVER use the audience poll life line. They will poll you out of the hot seat. Remember,if you are dumb others are dumber.
5) Preferably use the audience poll lifeline inside the 20K limit. Audience know only that much. Repeat this mantra to yourself religiously
6) Use all the knowledge you learnt while reading the Body Language book.
7) Always be satisfied, quit the game if you don’t know. Don’t try to be a smart
Best of Luck…….
Still if you are not satisfied, as I am, we should probably watch the ‘Great Indian Laughter Champions’......
Friday, October 21, 2005
Just an afterthought! part three
Just wondering........
29 days to CAT..
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Travelouge of my Short Travel
I took a few snaps along the way. Then I reached my venue, The Taj Presidency. It is one of the landmark hotels in Mumbai City. The ambience inside the hotel is something which can only be experienced. Then I proceeded to the Main Hall, where the seminar was going to be held. It was quite an informative session. After that was finished was when the fun started…….
No sooner was I out of the hotel complex, than I took a complete snap of the hotel. Now I was in the mood, so I took a Taxi and I headed for The Gateway of India. It was a breathtaking view, the sea, the people, and the landmark structures. It was too much. I immediately popped my camera and started clicking away in all its glory.
I was apprehensive when I first approached Eli and Esmi (lovely names), they are from Belgium and Holland respectively, but anyhow I told them that I wanted a snap of them both, and to my surprise they agreed without any hitch. They suggested that I should take a snap facing opposite to the direction of sunlight, but I convinced them otherwise and as it turned out, the snap was perfect. We had our brief introductions and then the time came to depart. I don’t know about them, but I surely wanted to spend some more time with them. I wanted to know their opinion about our country and I wanted to know about theirs. But I decided that it would be unfair to ruin a lovely evening of the lovely couple, so I decided to move on. Hopefully they will read this and comment accordingly.
Thanks to Amit, who allowed me to take his snap along with his lovely wife and child. I think he was apprehensive at first, but I think I convinced him. Your snap turned out to be great too. You too comment accordingly.
Please view all your snaps by either clicking the flickr badge which you see on the right hand corner of your screen which has snaps in it (just under the ‘links’ header). Or you copy paste this address in a new window (because I don’t know how to insert a hyperlink!!).
Just click on the set, scenery of Mumbai and view your pics.
Thanks to you all for the lovely time I had this evening.
One of those days which was worth remembering in a long while………
Monday, October 17, 2005
What's in a name?
How many of you might find this topic interesting is something which I cannot comment on, but nowadays the process of changing one’s name to bring good luck is something which pricks me to no end. I thought only the ‘K’ serials suffered with this phenomenon. One of my friends suggested the real name of the serial should be read as “K kusum” (spoken in that order, with the pause after the capital ‘K’). But nowadays it seems that all serials, persons, Cats, Dogs, Birds and Gods as well, right from A to Z are infected with the name change bug. I hear that numerology is behind this. But honestly, how many of us do know and even more honestly how many of us give a damn about numerology?? Guys, please let them know that we quite very well understand what they are trying to portray, and changing names will do no good except irritate a few like me.
I guess even I should change my name to DDebayan, or Debbbayaan, or even better Deebbaaaayaannnnnnnnnnnnn……………… infinity. This step has to be taken sooner (for me at least!), because I said, I perpetually suck at my CAT preps. And these numerologists seem to be quite adept in permutations and combinations, of all the letters of the English alphabets (unless there is a Deb11ayan….or a Deb23ay3an…..). I really suck at permutations and combinations. So a little help will definitely be welcomed by me
‘Dikhavon pe mat jao, apni akal lagao’……
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Sex again......
The larger issue, which I believe is getting lost somewhere in the hype of the mms scandals, is the issue of ‘privacy’. Whatever happened to privacy? Everybody goes lock, stock and barrel, condemning the incident (some watch it and then condemn it!), as soon as a new scandal comes up. But has anyone thought about the privacy of the individuals involved.
Consider this. Two consenting adults, a male and a female ‘mutually’ decide to get into a physical relationship (unmarried or married is not the point), but unfortunately they get filmed through a hidden camera or something like that. We know that if the couple is unmarried, they will face a future which I can’t even bear to imagine. But even if they are married, is the embarrassment any less? So who’s the culprit? In my opinion serious action, and I mean ‘serious’ action should be taken against the ones who conspire to do such things. They should be caught and punished adequately. What's their crime you ask? Simple. To infringe upon the privacy of two (or more!) individuals.
But what happens is this. The couple involved, get their characters blackened for life. But there is no news as to what happened to the conspirators of the incident. How long can this go is what I want you all to think about?
Not only mms, but these sting operations also should come under this purview. I believe these too are infringing upon the privacy of individuals (I am talking only about the sex scandals, no comment on political stings). Although I believe a recent Supreme Court verdict has taken care of these ‘sting’ operations but something seriously needs to be done about these mms scandals too.
Our culture is such that these things come out with a big bang. And being a populous country, the chances of one of us getting filmed one day is even more!! And this is scary, too scary!!
I do wonder if the individual/couple involved in the incident approach the police or the legal authorities, will they get any support or not. In my opinion they will be persecuted even more. So the whole attitude about these things needs to change.
And guys and gals, just in case if you all want to be a bit adventurous, watch out!! Don’t go for these cheap hotels and third class lodges. That’s all I can say.
Think about it……..
N.B:- If any of you plan to make out with someone. Collect some money and go into a respectable place. Seriously, nowadays it is ‘worth’ it :-).
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Just an afterthought! part deux
I have been recieving accolades (and brickbats as well !!), for the commendable, and at present the only noteworthy work, which I am doing. Thanks a lot you people. But please post comments too.
And yes, for the afterthought, I was wondering whether one can include the credential 'Blogger' or 'Weblogger', in one's credentials in his/her resume or not. After all it is work.
Any expert comments on that.........
Sex, Sex and Sex.............

Considering the much talked about issue these days is definitely 'SEX', from homemade videos, Scandals and definitely AIDS. I finally thought to write something about it. And besides all that, I had to update my blog. People should not think that my literary grey cells have worn out and faded away into oblivion.
Seriously, the greatest concern for me to write about this article is the fact that people in this country still treat this as one of the 'taboo' topics. Almost one in ten people in our country are infected with HIV virus. Majority of the people in this bracket come under the age group of sixteen to twenty four. So anybody who has a wee bit common sense will realize that this is the youth of our country that we have been talking about here. This is definitely a serious issue which needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.
Our country, the land of the 'Kama Sutra' (heard about it anyone ??), is home to over One billion people. So the most obvious conclusion that anybody can derive is that somebody is definitely having sex. But the fact remains that sex is still a taboo. But why? A former Home Minister or Minister of Health (which one that I don't exactly recollect) said that we should not use condom advertisements for family program's and AIDS programe. That particular minister believed that by doing so we will corrupt the youth of the country. This incident pretty much sums up the support (or the lack of it) we are going to get from the Government.
Sharon Stone, the famous Hollywood actress, once said that you can't stop teenagers from having sex, so you better teach them how to use a condom. Well that might seem taking a rather casual view about this matter (and in fact, it is), we should think of novel ways as to how to make the youth and teenagers of our country aware of sex, sexuality as well as AIDS. The Heroes Project, (the recent advertisements on TV, showing parents trying to communicate with their kids through radios, dropping of coins, flipping magazine covers etc are all part of The Heroes Project), is quite a novel way of putting ideas across. Although I particularly believe that the parents should be able to have a free conversation with their children about sex, rather than movies, magazines and gossip.
I do agree that change is taking place, although slowly, but steadily. But now the time has come that this topic be brought out of the closet and into the open. The virus is spreading much faster than the message. Or just to rephrase it as an advertising punch line used by a popular TV channel, we have to 'Spread the message, not the virus'.
All those persons concerned with morality, take a hike............
As far as my opinion on homemade sex videos and mms scandals.....hmmm........Maybe we will discuss it some other time.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Just an afterthought !
Just wondering about that........
Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hi guys. Just came home after an disappointing day at Churchagte, Mumbai. Today I had a written exam for Infosys. Really, I say it is disappointing, not because I performed badly. But due to the fact that only 75 people (thats max !!) were selected out of almost 700 to 800 people, if not more. Anybody who knows me will tell you that I am the last person to be disappointed after giving any exam. But this time it hurt because I had prepared, I had put in much effort. And to top it, my exam went well too, but still I could not make the cut. Now I can sense a new meaning in the phrase "Cut throat Competition". Today it feels too literal. Out of 10 questions, I guess those who missed even one, did not make the cut.
A very good friend of mine also took the exam. He got selected. I can't help but feel a bit jealous. But I must say that he is a very talented person and he thoroughly deserves what he is getting. But in his centre almost 150 people were selected (out of 1000). I don't say he doesn't deserve it, he thoroughly does. But still if that would have been the case here too, maybe today evening would have been a bit different.
But now I resolve all the more to perform and to do well. There is no substitute for short cut. That I realized today.
But I still wish if today evening were a bit different.
Just a bit.........
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Do you agree ??

Do you agree with the Delhi HC judgment that a girl over 15 can marry willfully? Here are the facts.
- A girl above 15 can marry willfully and the marriage is "valid, enforceable and recognizable in the courts of law"
This judgment was passed in the context where minor girls eloped with persons of their choice and charges of kidnapping were leveled against the men concerned. They had to face stiff sentences. The court has advised that this judgment must be exercised with extreme caution.
Well personally I do not agree. Although I am no big lawyer, but this is taking the process of free will a bit too far. The Age of Discretion has been specified as when a person is able to exercise his or her decision with "intelligence". Although the age of discretion is fine at 15. But I think at this age the maturity is not there. Obviously the discretion is fine, but the discretion may or may not be based upon logic, but rather may be based on emotions and feelings of the particular individual. Also at this age both boys and girls face hormonal changes, which can impair their regular thought flow process. So what discretion are the HC talking about?
But I agree that the men who elope should not be fined either. Love is blind (the High Court actually quoted this !!), so it is unfair for only the men to suffer. What is required is effective counseling from parents first and then maybe by institutions later on. This judgment may have other ramifications. One example is, if the courts see the age of 15 as an O.K. age for exercising discretion, then why is the age of voting 18 ? That age too should be lowered to 15. This is just one example that I am able to think of, maybe there are other serious ramifications.
Please comment on it. And if possible please leave your e-mail addresses too. It would be nice to have a discussion on this topic
Music and Memories from another time, another place

Hi guys........It's me back again, but in a mellow sort of mood.
As I listen to the songs of Remy Shand (take a message) and John Mayer (Clarity), I am being transported to another time, another place. A place where I was much carefree, much more enjoying myself. It is not that I don't enjoy myself nowadays. But these days it is rather a break from the norm. Those were the days, when I was 100% carefree. How I long for those days.......
But as I grow up I find myself absorbed myself in those memories, realizing that probably those days will never come back again. Good things must come to an end and life has to carry on...
A line from John Mayer's Clarity probably sums it up best...."But this morning, there's a calm I can't explain. The rock candy's melted, only diamonds now remain"
I realize now that those days were a privilege, I should have used it better, but only if I had known.
Only if I had known.....
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
This is too much........

Hi guys. Debu the great is back again....
In this rat race of trying to become successful, I sometimes feel that I am lagging behind. Recent example is the one which I am going to give right now....
I have been trying to solve this book "Puzzles to puzzle you", by Shakuntala Devi. Damn good book for pass time, but when you have to purposely solve it for the sake of your career, well..............That generates a different point of view.
Half of the time I don't get the answers. And even if I do, I wonder how in God's name was I able to solve this one ?? Such is life nowadays.......
No friends nearby to talk to. All are long distance (I have recently shifted). Pocket money is never in the pocket, it is already distributed within the first few days of the month!!
Such is life nowadays.......
Monday, October 03, 2005
Moral Policing
My point in writing this article is not to fight with these particular organizations, but something much more important. Nowadays I observe various things ranging from petty issues to sensitive issues taking a 'religious' connotation. These things in the recent past have seen an alarming increase. For example, just a few months back, I read an article on how the builders were giving preference to selling their flats to the persons of same religion. On asking them as to why did they do such practice. They simply said that it is for the society's sake only as we do not want a trouble when a riot erupts or any other similar incident occurs.
When I pondered over the notice, I was forced to think from my point of view (which was opposite to that of the builders) as well as from the builders point of view. And I came to a conclusion, which even took me by surprise and this was when I realized, that there is an element of truth in both the cases. Being a staunch supporter of democracy and freedom,I started to introspect as to why this sudden change had happened to us in general and also why was this occurring.
On introspection and certain observations I have found out that this phenomenon is not only restricted to our homeland alone but this epidemic of 'intolerance' has already spread far and wide across the world. What we see is a proof of this fact. Everywhere there is war, majority on religious lines. Where there is attack there is retaliation. I just wonder how long will it continue. Now these are no longer political problems but social as well, this epidemic has trickled down right to the common man like me.
The whole world is getting separated into 'ghettos'. ‘Ghetto’ means a set of people living together sharing similar beliefs, customs and traditions. Looking at the scenario of the world right now, I definitely don't blame them for living them with like minded people for experiencing a sense of security. But as we all know, ghettoisation is an example of a recessive society not a progressive one. It segregates people on certain lines with a certain sense of contempt and disregard for those people who do not come under their boundary. We see this happening in rural India on a regular basis but nowadays also in Big cities. I will not think twice to generalize that this phenomenon applies to other countries as well.
But what do we get then? If ghettoisation could have solved our problems then we would have long solved all our problems. But they in fact accentuate the problem even further. One spark and the different people living in the 'ghettos', come to fists and blows, blood flows down the drain and people loose their lives unnecessarily. Time tested method says that in order to curb riots and other adverse phenomenon, we must live with people who share beliefs which are different than ours. Only then can we understand their culture and only then can we dream of peace. Studies have also shown that the communities which were not affected during riots are usually the one's which have strong economic ties between persons of different caste or religion. And in my humble opinion, business is only possible when there is trust. And trust is not possible without understanding.
One more thing that is missing in today's world is the nine letter word 'Tolerance'. I just wish I can recollect the author's name who wrote an essay on 'Tolerance' quite a long time back. This essay is (or was) in the school textbook curriculum of the Gujarat State Board, which ironically was the place where the major flare up occurred in recent past. That incident was the death of democracy for me........
The author stated some very simple lines which still reverberate whenever I hear such atrocious statements (i.e the navratri type bans). He argued that 'love' was a word which was used too often in our attempts to arrive at peace. It was too personal an emotion to feel. It can be experienced by two people or maximum a few people. But in order to achieve world peace love is not a practical proposition, but tolerance is. He simply put it this way 'You cannot love the people you hate, you can only tolerate them'. This line is the crux of the matter. Such a simple sentence with such lasting consequences can hardly be illustrated anywhere else. We have got to learn to tolerate people. Intolerance is the root of all hate. We are impatient with the people whom we do not share our beliefs with. We try to impose our beliefs upon them. But we cannot win them over by love. If you are successful then you are one lucky person. But to the world in general my advice is that you start tolerating them. That is more than half of the battle won.
This applies to the common man, terrorists and politicians alike in my opinion.
There is so much in the world to do. Travel, learn a language, read books, do math, whatever !!Some of the best natural beauty I have come across in a T.V. documentary comes from a place whose name is synonymous with terrorism, i.e Afghanistan. Why don't people sit in the serene beauty and introspect is something that I fail to fathom. My article is just an attempt to make people realize that in order to achieve something big, we have to start small. So instead of achieving world peace, we must try to be at peace with ourselves and with the people who surround us.
Just to prevent any ambiguity I will state that this message is not aimed at any particular community or religion but to each one of you who is reading this. Be at peace first with your neighbor's, the world too will follow suit
On this note I will sign off and I sincerely hope that you have a beautiful Navratri and Durga Puja.