Although I have much more important things to discuss about right now, for example, the recent High Court ruling favoring more Open Spaces in Mumbai (which is the need of the hour!) and my CAT exam, in which I seem to perpetually suck, I have decided to leave these topics for now. Out of the total articles that I have posted I find that a lot of them are social issues etc. People seem to get the impression that I am a 21 year old guy with a mind of a 42 year old. Instead of me enjoying life, I bother about the world. In fact a close friend of mine told me that when one reads the article and then has a look at the photos; one might wonder whether the photos are of the blogger himself. So this break
How many of you might find this topic interesting is something which I cannot comment on, but nowadays the process of changing one’s name to bring good luck is something which pricks me to no end. I thought only the ‘K’ serials suffered with this phenomenon. One of my friends suggested the real name of the serial should be read as “K kusum” (spoken in that order, with the pause after the capital ‘K’). But nowadays it seems that all serials, persons, Cats, Dogs, Birds and Gods as well, right from A to Z are infected with the name change bug. I hear that numerology is behind this. But honestly, how many of us do know and even more honestly how many of us give a damn about numerology?? Guys, please let them know that we quite very well understand what they are trying to portray, and changing names will do no good except irritate a few like me.
I guess even I should change my name to DDebayan, or Debbbayaan, or even better Deebbaaaayaannnnnnnnnnnnn……………… infinity. This step has to be taken sooner (for me at least!), because I said, I perpetually suck at my CAT preps. And these numerologists seem to be quite adept in permutations and combinations, of all the letters of the English alphabets (unless there is a Deb11ayan….or a Deb23ay3an…..). I really suck at permutations and combinations. So a little help will definitely be welcomed by me
‘Dikhavon pe mat jao, apni akal lagao’……
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