Saturday, October 15, 2005

Sex again......

I have to continue with sex. Things are getting worse by the minute. Just now, I watched a news report on a particular news channel. A particular guy was caught making pornographic mms video of a helpless girl. Although he has been caught, some serious steps need to be taken now, before it is too late.

The larger issue, which I believe is getting lost somewhere in the hype of the mms scandals, is the issue of ‘privacy’. Whatever happened to privacy? Everybody goes lock, stock and barrel, condemning the incident (some watch it and then condemn it!), as soon as a new scandal comes up. But has anyone thought about the privacy of the individuals involved.

Consider this. Two consenting adults, a male and a female ‘mutually’ decide to get into a physical relationship (unmarried or married is not the point), but unfortunately they get filmed through a hidden camera or something like that. We know that if the couple is unmarried, they will face a future which I can’t even bear to imagine. But even if they are married, is the embarrassment any less? So who’s the culprit? In my opinion serious action, and I mean ‘serious’ action should be taken against the ones who conspire to do such things. They should be caught and punished adequately. What's their crime you ask? Simple. To infringe upon the privacy of two (or more!) individuals.

But what happens is this. The couple involved, get their characters blackened for life. But there is no news as to what happened to the conspirators of the incident. How long can this go is what I want you all to think about?

Not only mms, but these sting operations also should come under this purview. I believe these too are infringing upon the privacy of individuals (I am talking only about the sex scandals, no comment on political stings). Although I believe a recent Supreme Court verdict has taken care of these ‘sting’ operations but something seriously needs to be done about these mms scandals too.

Our culture is such that these things come out with a big bang. And being a populous country, the chances of one of us getting filmed one day is even more!! And this is scary, too scary!!

I do wonder if the individual/couple involved in the incident approach the police or the legal authorities, will they get any support or not. In my opinion they will be persecuted even more. So the whole attitude about these things needs to change.

And guys and gals, just in case if you all want to be a bit adventurous, watch out!! Don’t go for these cheap hotels and third class lodges. That’s all I can say.

Think about it……..

N.B:- If any of you plan to make out with someone. Collect some money and go into a respectable place. Seriously, nowadays it is ‘worth’ it :-).


Anonymous said...

haha. quite similer. we hav common interest. you went to my blog before. hope to exchange views wif u

Anonymous said...

If a girl wants to become a porn star, nobody can stop her. Why the hell girls strip, masturbate and do fellatio in front of their boyfriend's cameras? And when the video goes public, they start cribbing over it.
